Displaying 1 - 25 of 59
Blog post
Q&A: How Girteka is Turning Ambition into Action on Net Zero Goals
December 10, 2024 | Thorfinn Stainforth, Senior Policy ManagerEDF highlights businesses that are advancing steps toward reducing their GHG emissions while building profitable businesses in a series of interviews.More on:
Which countries are winning the global clean energy race?
October 30, 2024Solar and wind power are expanding across the globe, but who is producing the most clean energy?More on:
Blog post
From Production to Propulsion: Effective Shipping Regulations Should Account for the Full Lifecycle Emissions of Marine Fuels
August 21, 2024 | Natacha Stamatiou, Senior Analyst, Global ShippingBy Natacha Stamatiou The Posidonia shipping exhibition in Greece put innovation on display, yet what stood out was the industry’s cautious approach to decarbonization, particularly the absence of discussions on lifecycle analysis of marine fuels. This is crucial as we approach the 82nd Marine Environment Protection Committee meeting at the International Maritime Organization in September,More on:
Blog post
EU Green Deal in Action: Critical choices ahead for the EU Low-carbon Hydrogen Definition
August 21, 2024 | Anna Lóránt, Senior Policy Manager, EUBy Anna Lóránt and Léa Pilsner The EU is finalising its Delegated Act on Low Carbon Fuels, a critical piece of its hydrogen policy. This is more than just a low-stakes technical step. If done right, it could significantly advance the EU’s decarbonisation agenda, showing the ‘Green Deal in action’. The details matter because this …More on:
Blog post
Why science, not hype, must inform how we use hydrogen in Europe
July 24, 2024 | Helen Spence-Jackson, Executive Director, EuropeBy Helen Spence-Jackson The EU’s hydrogen ambitions are facing a reality check. Despite an ambitious strategy launched in 2020 and ongoing work to establish a comprehensive policy framework, recent forecasts suggest hydrogen deployment is lagging behind initial targets. However, this moment offers an opportunity for reflection and provides valuable lessons not just for Europe, but …More on:
Blog post
Missing Methane: A European perspective
July 18, 2024European banks face significant risk from oil and gas methane emissions in their portfolios. Our recommendations can help banks manage them.More on:
What do Europe’s election results mean for the climate?
June 13, 2024 | Helen Spence-Jackson, Executive Director, EuropeWhile the far-right gained seats in the most recent European Parliamentary election, the wave was not as large predicted, leaving hope that the majority of the Parliament will stay committed to climate action says Environmental Defense Fund Europe's Helen Spence-Jackson.More on:
Blog post
The European hydrogen bank could help determine whether the climate wins or loses
June 13, 2024 | Anna Lóránt, Senior Policy Manager, EUBy Anna Lorant and Guillaume Morauw The European Hydrogen Bank, a financing instrument that supports renewable hydrogen production within the EU and internationally, has just announced a €1.2 billion investment to help boost the renewable hydrogen economy, a cornerstone of the EU’s strategy to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. While many are focusing on …More on:
Blog post
Bonn 2024: Laying the Groundwork for Global Climate Action from Baku to Belém
May 31, 2024 | Juan Pablo Hoffmaister, Associate Vice President, Global Engagement and PartnershipsAuthored by Juan Pablo Hoffmaister, Associate Vice President for Global Engagement at Environmental Defense Fund The international climate community is convening in Bonn, Germany, for the 60th sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies of the UNFCCC this June—and they will set the tone for the next year of global climate engagement. The sessions in Bonn are …More on:
Blog post
Transition finance for net zero is lagging. The UK has an opportunity to lead, but appropriate guardrails are needed
May 30, 2024UK TFMR Secretariat has an opportunity to develop strong market standards to channel private finance towards real world decarbonisation.More on:
Blog post
Why EU climate goals rely on strong hydrogen policies
April 11, 2024 | Anna Lóránt, Senior Policy Manager, EUBy Anna Lóránt The EU is striving to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. As one of the fastest warming continents in the world, with climate risks threatening its energy and food security, ecosystems, infrastructure, water resources, financial stability and people’s health (EEA, 2024), ambitious climate action is a necessity. It’s clear that the …More on:
Blog post
EU must act to protect farms and food production from climate risk
April 11, 2024As farmers in the EU protest, climate change impacts are already making food production harder. The post EU must act to protect farms and food production from climate risk first appeared on Growing Returns.More on:
Blog post
EU gets ready to ban most BPA uses. Once again: Where’s FDA?
March 1, 2024 | Tom Neltner, Senior Director, Safer ChemicalsBy Maricel Maffini, PhD, Consultant, and Tom Neltner, Executive Director, Unleaded Kids What’s Happening? On February 9, 2024, the European Commission published a proposed regulation [PDF, 502KB] that would ban most uses of bisphenol A (BPA) in materials that contact food—including plastic and coatings applied to metal cans—and restrict other uses. Interested parties can comment …More on:
Blog post
Green Growth: New report shows how leading European companies are thriving and making climate progress
February 7, 2024By Helen Spence-Jackson and Thorfinn Stainforth The European Commission has just proposed a new 2040 climate target of -90% greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from 1990 levels. At the same time a recent official scientific report shows that there is still a lot of hard work and policy setting to do to reach it. While reaching …More on:
Blog post
How Companies are Growing Profits and Making Climate Progress: Case Studies
February 7, 2024A new report from EDF and Sustainable Public Affairs showcases case studies on how EU companies are acting on climate goals while growing profits.More on:
Press release
Tool Helps Shipping Stakeholders Identify Best Ports for Developing Sustainable First Mover Initiatives
November 28, 2023 | Marie Cabbia Hubatova, Director, Global ShippingEDF, Lloyd's Register and Arup tool identifies port locations that maximize the environmental and community benefits of first mover initiatives in support of shipping’s energy transition.More on:
Blog post
A roadmap for European cities looking to decarbonize urban freight
November 28, 2023 | Dagmar Droogsma, Associate Vice President, European Strategy & EngagementFreight transport in Europe accounts for only 2% of vehicles on the road but is responsible for 22% of all road transport climate pollution in the EU. With e-commerce on the rise, construction booming, waste generation increasing and grocery delivery expanding, the need for urban freight plans and policies is growing. However, a 2021 survey …More on:
How did Norway go electric?
June 21, 2023Norway leads the world in electric vehicles per person. How did it get there?More on:
Blog post
Bonn climate talks: The Global Stocktake, oceans, food and nature are issues to watch
June 1, 2023 | Breanna Lujan, Senior Manager, Natural Climate SolutionsEDF’s delegation to the climate talks taking place in Bonn, Germany from June 5 to June 15, 2023 give us some insights into the issues they're following.More on:
How did Norway go electric?
May 4, 2023Norway leads the world in per capita electric vehicles, so how did it get there?More on:
Blog post
Earth Day Italia Shines A Light On Methane
April 19, 2023 | Flavia Sollazzo, Senior Director, EU Energy TransitionBy Flavia Sollazzo One of Italy’s most picturesque cities, Venice, topped the list of European regions most at risk for floods and sea level rise in a recent climate analysis from Cross Dependency Initiative. The research comes just weeks before thousands of environmental activists, experts, government officials, celebrities and citizens will descend on Rome for …More on:
Blog post
Throwing Down the Gauntlet: The European Challenge to IMO on Carbon Pricing
December 8, 2022 | Sam Yarrow-Wright, Policy Manager, Global ShippingBy Sam Yarrow-Wright The International Maritime Organization knows that the shipping industry needs to change course to address the climate crisis. By committing to the Initial Greenhouse Gas Strategy in 2018, which requires the shipping industry to reduce emissions by 50% by 2050, it formally recognized this. Such a declaration, despite being forged through difficult …More on:
Blog post
We have to think about water in a new way. Climate change demands it.
August 25, 2022The times demand nothing short of a comprehensive rethinking of how we use our quickly dwindling water resources — while we still have an opening to act.More on:
Blog post
Markets, stocktake, and impacts: The three issues to watch at the UN climate talks in Bonn
June 26, 2022 | Maggie Ferrato, Policy Manager, Federal Climate InnovationThis post was co-authored by Julia Ilhardt, High Meadows Fellow at Environmental Defense Fund Next week, climate negotiators will begin two weeks of meetings in Bonn, Germany to make progress on a full slate of issues—from carbon markets and finance to adaptation and loss and damage—before November’s global climate talks. At these mid-year negotiating sessions,More on:
These are the world’s top green countries. Spoiler alert: the USA isn’t one of them
June 2, 2022MIT ranks countries in its latest Green Future Index. EDF’s Jill Duggan explains why Europe continues to lead the way.More on: